sit around

读音:英 [sɪt əˈraʊnd] 美[sɪt əˈraʊnd]

sit around 基本解释



1、I wont sit around 我不想坐以待毙

2、I won't sit around 无法坐视不管

3、sit around tables 围着桌子坐

4、They sit around a table 他们围坐表他们坐在一个表

5、sit around together 围坐一团

6、Sit around the table 围绕桌子而坐围坐在圆桌子前面

7、Sit around the tree 围坐在圣诞树旁

8、to sit around waiting 干等

9、sit around a table 围着桌子坐


around adv. 大约;旋转;到处,四处;在周围 prep. 围绕;在附近;前后,左右;在…周围

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更新时间:2024-12-01 12:12:09
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