rubicon 基本解释
n. (意大利中部的)卢比肯河
rubicon 网络释义
n. 卢比孔河(意大利北部河流)
rubicon 词性变化
Rubicon 无法退回的界限,界线
来自意大利和高卢的界河 Rubicon 河,因公元前 49 年凯撒违规带兵越过该河,从而不可避 免地引发了战争。该词字面意思为红色的,因其河岸红色的土壤而得名,词源同 rubicund.
1、crossing the rubicon 跨过卢比肯河;破釜沉舟;孤注一掷;痛下决心
2、jeep rubicon 吉普鲁比肯
3、jeep rubicon phev 吉普鲁比肯phev
4、red rubicon 红色rubicon
5、rubicon recon 鲁比肯侦察
6、rubicon technology rubicon技术
7、rubicon trail 鲁比肯小径
rubicon 用法和例句
1、The rubicon separates her form death is comedy.
2、Their entry into the war made them cross the Rubicon and abandon isolationism forever.
3、That alarms many people, who fear that the border being crossed may be an inflationary Rubicon.
这拉响了很多人得警钟, 他们担心正在突破通胀界限。
4、There are two other tests they would have to pass to cross the Rubicon from inanimate to animate carry out some sort of metabolic processes and segregate themselves into some kind of package.
更新时间:2024-12-01 12:42:27