reached 基本解释
v. 到达( reach的过去式和过去分词 ); 联络; 伸出手臂, 延伸
reached 词性变化
1、confirm the agreement reached [经] 确认所达成的协议
2、over-reached (over-reach 的过去分词) 延长动作
3、private network reached [计] 专用网作用范围
4、he reached out his hand 他伸出手来
5、no agreement has been reached 尚未达成协议
6、the stage has been reached and 已达到该阶段,并且
7、screw back not reached 未拧回螺钉
8、reached agreement 达成协议
9、reached an agreement 达成协议;取得一致意见,达成共识
10、reached distance 达到的距离
11、reached for 伸手去拿
12、reached for the stars 雄心勃勃有崇高的目标
13、reached in n.前进(歌曲名)
14、reached off 已联系
15、reached target 已达到目标
16、reached the conclusion 得出结论作出结论
17、reached the destination 到达目的地
18、reached the limit 达到极限登峰造极蔑以复加
19、reached the moon 到达月球
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