
读音:英 [] 美[ˈkeɪkoʊ]

keiko 基本解释

n. 山田圭子(歌手);凯科(男子名)


1、Keiko Kitagawa 北川景子主扮演者

2、Keiko Takemiya 竹宫惠子

3、Keiko Toda 户田惠子戸田恵子

4、Keiko Agena 安庆名惠子

5、Keiko Han 潘惠子潘恵子潘

6、Keiko Fuji 藤圭子

7、Keiko Matsuzaka 松坂庆子松板庆子主演德川家茂松坂庆子

8、Keiko Yokozawa 横泽启子横沢启子

keiko 用法和例句

1、Keiko became green with envy when she saw kanji talking to Junko.


2、KEIKO FUJIMORIS unique selling point in Perus presidential election is her surname.


3、Keiko also was taken on long training swims to build up his stamina and speed.


4、Shipped to a marine park in Canada, Keiko didn't respond well to captivity and lesions started appearing on his skin.


5、Keiko, whose public performances were stopped, gained 900 kilos, mostly in muscle weight, within 18 months of arriving in Oregon.


6、The approved vessel uses a one-second computer-generated tone to summon him, but the tone will be discarded when Keiko finally swims off with a pod.


7、If Keiko leaves, invaluable data will continue to be collected for up to a year, through the small transmitters he carries.


8、In the film, Keiko plays a killer whale condemned to a sad life in cruel captivity until finally released to ocean freedom through the efforts of a small boy.


9、The role came easily to Keiko whose own real life story resembled Willy 's, and the movie inadvertently made his plight known worldwide.


10、The costs in Iceland of bringing Keiko to this point - including his daily 40 to 60 kilos of fish and an 18-member staff - total around $3 million a year.


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更新时间:2024-12-01 12:03:57
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