full house

读音:英 [ˌfʊl ˈhaʊs] 美[ˌfʊl ˈhaʊs]

full house 基本解释



1、draw a full house 招徕满座,座无虚席

2、full-house 客满, 满座;(扑克牌游戏中)三张同点加一对

3、a full house 满座

4、full house cafe 全方位咖啡厅

5、full house casino 全场赌场

6、the full house 满座的房子

7、full house cast 全套演员阵容

full house 用法和例句

1、When a good film is on, there is alway a full house.


2、Despite the bad weather, the opera played to a full house.


3、The acting group premiered their new play in front of a full house.


4、A full house, a real estate real estate intermediary to reporters Recommended Road.


5、With the sound of bang, full house is the smell of perfume, green tea overflow.


6、May hold 3000 person of Zhengzhou international convention center shaft hall to be full house.


7、Open eyes to sit, from full house of of lustrous narrate time have yet been getting extra late.

睁开眼睛坐起来, 从满屋子的光亮看时间已经不早了。


full adj. 满的,装满的;完全的,完整的;丰富的;详尽的 adv. 极其,十分;充分地,完全地;整整;直接地 n. 充分,完全;全部;完整;极盛时 v. 把衣服缝得宽大;把裙子缝出皱褶;[印]蒸洗,漂洗

house n. 住宅;家庭;(从事某种生意的)公司;(英国)下议院 vt. 给…提供住房;给…房子住;把…储藏在房内 vi. 住

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