crept 基本解释
crept 网络释义
v. 匍匐爬行(creep的过去式)
crept 词性变化
1、crept into my mind 悄悄进入我的脑海
2、crept out into 潜入
3、crept out of 从……爬出
4、crept out of bed 从床上爬起来
5、crept out of the chest 从胸腔里爬出来
6、crept out of the house 悄悄走出房子
7、crept outside 爬到外面
8、crept to crept 爬行到爬行
9、crept to her cheeks 爬到她的脸颊
10、crept to the bedroom 蹑手蹑脚地走进卧室
11、crept to the cheeks 爬到脸颊
12、crept to the door 爬到门口
13、crept to the mattress 爬到床垫上
14、crept toward 爬向
15、crept toward the porch 悄悄走向门廊
16、crept towards 悄悄走向
17、stealthily the girl crept 那女孩悄悄地爬行着
18、crept to 悄悄地
19、crept into 爬进……(crept是creep的过去式)
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