come back home

读音:英 [kʌm bæk həʊm] 美[kʌm bæk hoʊm]

come back home 基本解释

v. 回家


1、come back home mv 回家mv

2、i will come back home 我会回家的

3、just come back home 回家吧

4、please come back home 请回家吧

5、rain come back home 雨回来了

6、will my cat come back home 我的猫会回家吗

7、they come back home 他们回家了

8、when did you come back home 你什么时候回家的

come back home 用法和例句

1、Come back home and eat banana.


2、It is already dark, but he has not come back home from school.


3、Imaging like you come back home you slip with your foot into your sleeper.


4、I was anxious about the children when they didnt come back home from school.

孩子们放学后没有回家, 我非常担心。

5、They have to set out before dawn and come back home after dark.


6、The festival is coming, and I don't know why my children haven't come back home yet.


7、The girl has come back home to see her parents, the whole family is bustling with excitement.


8、I feels alone and frightened when I come back home. I prefer to stay out.



come vi. 来;开始;出现;发生 vt. 做;装扮…的样子;将满(…岁) int. 嗨!

back n. 背,背部;背面,反面;后面,后部;(椅子等的)靠背 vt. 使后退;支持;加背书于;下赌注于 vi. 后退;倒退 adj. 背部的;后面的;以前的;拖欠的 adv. 以前;向后地

home n. 家;家庭;家庭生活;终点 adj. 家庭的;家用的;本地的;本部的 adv. 在家;在家乡;深深地;深入地 vi. 回家;有家;朝向;自动导航 vt. 把…送回家;送…回家;给…提供住处;使有安身之处

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