
读音:英 [bɒ'nəʊbəʊ] 美[bɒ'noʊboʊ]

bonobo 基本解释

n. (产于非洲刚果河以南的)倭黑猩猩[源自非洲当地语]


1、Bonobo Apart Hotel 小黑猩猩公寓

2、Lola y Bonobo 罗拉和波罗波

3、Bonobo pull debbi drawbridges 卡皮拉诺吊桥

4、Bonobo pull debbi valley park 卡皮拉诺峡谷公园

5、bonobo apes 倭黑猩猩

6、Skymane Bonobo 天鬃黑猩猩

7、Days to Come - Bonobo 复古慵懒的女声英文歌曲

8、The Bonobo and the Atheist 倭猩猩与无神论者

bonobo 用法和例句

1、Not surprisingly, this destruction also endangers bonobo survival.


2、Most likely a primate similar to the Bonobo was the first to laugh.


3、Most likely, a primate similar to the Bonobo was the first to laugh.

最有可能的, 一个灵长类类似侏儒黑猩猩是第一个笑出声来。

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更新时间:2024-12-01 11:52:05
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