
读音:英 [] 美[ˈeɪˈmi]

aimee 基本解释

[人名] 艾梅


1、Aimee Semple McPherson [网络] 麦艾美;艾梅森普尔麦弗逊式;麦花臣

2、aimee mullins n.艾米·穆林斯

aimee 用法和例句

1、And the conversation would go something like this, You know Aimee, you're very attractive.

谈话内容不外乎 要知道艾美,你很迷人。

2、Master s wonders by sister initiate aimee, byron, northern river, australia originally in english


3、By sister initiate Aimee Blossom Fanton, Byron Bay Northern Rivers, Australia Originally in English


4、Lo, the title song was written especially for the film by Magnolia tunesmith Aimee Mann.

她知道除了她自己, 没有人能帮到她脱离这现状。

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更新时间:2024-12-01 09:03:11
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