
读音:英 [rɔk'sæn] 美[rɔk'sæn]

Roxane 基本解释

n. 罗克珊(Roxana 的异体)(f.)


1、Roxane Mesquida 罗珊娜·马奎达马奎达罗珊玛丝奇达

2、Roxane Gay 珊娜·盖伊作者罗克珊娜·盖伊罗克珊·盖伊

3、Roxane Cohen Silver 作者席佛

4、Roxane Guesthouse 罗克珊宾馆

5、Roxane Witke 作者

6、Roxane Laboratories 罗克珊

7、Roxane Laboratories Inc 申请人全称

8、Roxane Coss 茱莉安摩尔

Roxane 用法和例句

1、He totters and falls into the arms of Roxane and his friends.


2、Roxane Thats your theme. Embroider it. Embroider it. Embroider it!


3、with my colleague roxane ouellet , so you no longer have to slog through the dense specifications to get a handle on it

因此, 您再也不用埋头翻阅厚厚的规范来掌握它了。

最新查询单词: inspec incurred incorporating in order that in my opinion in conclusion idiomatic humiliate
更新时间:2024-12-01 11:56:28
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