Kublai Khan

读音:英 [] 美[]

Kublai Khan 基本解释

忽必烈(1216-1294, 元世祖, 中国元朝皇帝, 成吉思汗之孙)


1、Kublai Khan time 忽必烈时期

2、Kublai Khan John Man 英文原版

3、Genghis Khan & Kublai Khan 成吉思汗与忽必烈

4、If Kublai Khan conquered Japan 假如忽必烈征服了日本

5、Kublai Khan Mongolian Restaurant 蒙古餐厅

Kublai Khan 用法和例句

1、The System of Audit of Revenue Accounts in the Period of Kublai Khan


2、The famed Kublai khan ruled his empire from a palace here.


3、They visited Cathay and became friends with Kublai Khan, the great Mongol Emperor.

他们访问过震旦, 并且成为蒙古大帝忽必烈的朋友。

4、Venetian traveler who explored Asia in the 13th century and served Kublai Khan.



kublai n.忽必烈(中国元世祖)

khan n. 可汗,汗

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